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Tree Health Management

Tree Pest & Disease Control

Protect & treat your trees
before they get sick or damaged

Healthy trees don't just happen by chance in our (sub)urban environment. It takes proactive care, preventive treatments and, when needed, application of safe and appropriate chemicals to control harmful insects and diseases. 

Pest, disease, and fungal issues on trees and plants.

Common tree pests and disease in New Jersey. From left to right: anthracnose, cedar apple rust gall, leafminers, and apple scab.

Common Causes of Tree & Landscape Problems

Early identification is critical for controlling pests and diseases, and preventing irreparable tree damage.

If your trees don't look healthy, it's likely due to problems with pests or diseases, or soil conditions. Often, it's all of these together that are affecting your plants.



Flowering trees are especially susceptible to diseases that not only make them look unsightly but can also cause decline and eventual death. For example, you've probably seen apple scab and fireblight on crabapples, anthracnose on dogwoods, and cedar-apple rust on apple trees.


  • blotches, or dark or yellow spots on leaves
  • brown, crispy leaf edges
  • rotting or spotted fruit
  • fuzzy white or grey growth on leaves
  • dying needles on conifers
  • browning leaves and premature defoliation
  • dying branch ends
  • cankers or oozing sores on branches and tree trunks


Ticks seem to be everywhere these days, even just outside our front door! And mosquitoes are a major pest throughout the day, not just at night. With the increasing number of diseases carried by these pests (such as Lyme disease and West Nile virus), it's more important than ever to be vigilant whenever you're outside and to create a safer environment around your home.

Learn more about ticks and mosquitoes in New Jersey, including the diseases they carry, how to avoid being bitten, and control options.



There are many insects that damage (or even kill) trees in Morristown, NJ and surrounding areas. Emerald ash borers are decimating ash trees across the state, caterpillars eat all the leaves off trees, and new invasive pests like spotted lanternfly keep moving in.


  • holes or ragged/chewed edges on leaves
  • silk webs, threads or "tents" on branches
  • holes in tree bark (especially on ash trees)
  • tree suddenly losing leaves in spring or summer
  • yellowing, curling or speckled leaves
  • bumps on stems and small branches
  • sticky substance (and maybe black mold) on leaves or under the tree
  • an unusual number of insects flying around the tree


We tend not to think about soil until we notice trees with yellowing leaves, wilting, or stunted growth. Soil in our area is often highly compacted, making it difficult for trees to get enough moisture and oxygen. It's also usually deficient in organic matter and the wide range of nutrients trees need to stay healthy.

pest and disease issues on New Jersey trees

Common tree pests and diseases in New Jersey. From left to right: Boxwood blight, fungal leaf spot, insect damage, and spotted lanternfly nymphs.

Prevention & Control For ...

  • Apple scab
  • Anthracnose
  • Rust
  • Fireblight
  • Japanese beetles

NJ Department of Environmental Protection Pesticide Applicator Business License - #91603B

"I don't know why anyone would use any other service. These guys are timely, fair and reliable. Great crew and solved a problem that could have been a lot worse. Really appreciate dealing with professionals like Alpine Tree."

Tim O'Krongly

Morristown, NJ

Contact us for tree health management

Tree Health Treatments

Our Tree Health Management program is customized to the specific needs of your landscape. This is definitely not a case of "one size fits all"!

Pest & Disease Management

We offer a range of treatments for insect pests, fungal problems and bacterial diseases. Treatments are customized to treat the issues while minimizing effects on beneficial insects and other living creatures.

Learn More

  • Horticultural Oil

    WHEN? Spring and fall

    This lightweight natural oil is sprayed on trees to suppress pests such as scale, adelgids and mites.

  • Fungicide Applications

    WHEN? 3 - 4 treatments in spring to early summer

    Applied as a spray to leaves and tree trunks to prevent fungal leaf diseases, such as scab, anthracnose, and rust.

  • Insect Control Spray

    WHEN? As needed during growing season

    Used for immediate control of damaging insect pests. The appropriate timing and insecticide is chosen to target the specific pest (rather than using a broad-spectrum insecticide that would harm all insects).

  • Soil Injections

    WHEN? Spring

    A systemic insecticide injected into the tree's root zone to prevent problems with leaf-chewing and sap-sucking insects, such as leaf miners, scale, and Japanese beetle.

  • Emerald Ash Borer Prevention

    WHEN? Mid-May to mid-June

    A special insecticide is injected directly into the soil around the tree or sprayed on the bark. From there, it is distributed throughout the living parts of the tree to kill EAB larvae. > Details about EAB

Soil Improvement

When a soil test shows that the soil on your property is lacking in specific nutrients or is outside the optimum pH level, fertilization can help fix the problem.

  • Deep Root Fertilization

    WHEN? Spring and/or fall

    A custom blend of nutrients is injected into the soil in the tree's root zone where it can more easily take up the nutrients it needs. Soil injection also prevents problems from fertilizer runoff.

    For more details, see our FAQs about tree fertilization, including New Jersey's fertilization law and whether or not trees really need to be fertilized.

    >> When to fertilize trees & shrubs in New Jersey

Tick & Mosquito Control

Get rid of these disease-carrying pests on your property to protect your family.

  • Tick & Mosquito Spray

    Our proprietary hybrid program is customized to your needs. We offer both synthetic and organic options, including a combination of the two. For example, organic spray can be used near your house, while a stronger synthetic mix is sprayed around the perimeter of your property.

Winter Protection

Some shrubs and small trees need a little extra help to get through the winter without unsightly "winter burn" or leaf damage.

At a Glance

About Our Program

We know that trees are healthier (and we believe they're "happier") when grown in the right environment. That's why we collect a soil sample during our first visit with you (when we evaluate your property and give you a proposal).

If you choose to move forward with our Tree Health Management program, we'll conduct a full soil analysis on that sample so we can tailor the program to optimize the health of your trees.

We take a holistic approach to tree and plant health, with a focus on prevention and low-impact treatments. Rather than waiting until severe damage has been done, we prefer to be proactive in heading off issues that we know are likely to occur.

Preventive treatments (such as horticultural oil and creating ideal growing conditions with the right nutrients) are much more gentle on the environment than the chemicals needed to treat a disease or pest outbreak.

A typical program includes:

  • Horticultural oil application in spring and fall to suppress insect pests
  • Deep root fertilization in spring and fall to give trees the nutrients they need
  • Disease and pest treatments as needed to prevent or control problems (we'll recommend specific treatments based on the plants in your landscape and any issues you've experienced in the past)
  • Winter tree and shrub protection with anti-desiccant spray (if you have broadleaved evergreens on your property)

While we recommend you follow the program as a whole, it's not required - you're free to pick and choose specific aspects of the program if you prefer.

Your Tree Health Management program includes regular monitoring of your property (for early detection of any problems).

After each visit, you'll receive a report of what was done and any issues that were identified.

pruning a tree


Properly licenced by the state of New Jersey to apply chemicals used to treat tree and landscape problems. You can verify our business license here.

ISA Certified Arborists on staff to ensure that treatments are used appropriately

Accredited by the Tree Care Industry Association

All treatments are applied by specially trained and certified tree health technicians (NJ Commercial Pesticide Applicator)

A full soil test to help customize your Tree Health Management plan

Free estimate and a detailed proposal

Locally owned and operated since 2010

All work is done with strict adherence to professional tree care standards (ANSI A300 Standards)

TCIA member logo
ISA, TCIA and NJ CTE logos


pruning a large tree from a bucket truck

"Very impressed, in many ways....first with the estimating process...well to receive very fair estimate....second with great follow up about scheduling...keeping me informed..third with the actual work and the keenness to be sure I was fully satisfied. Great attention to detail, very capable and very nice people! Highly recommended."

Kenneth Tourney

Looking for tree pest or disease control in Morristown or the surrounding area?

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